The Cud… weird stuff we’ve said, or done, this week.

A collaboration of weird things farmers say and do that garners incredulous looks in public.

4/10/2023 Just trying to kick things off….

Calls Shellie: “Hey what’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever said to you?”

Shellie: “huh?? ….EVER??”

Me: “Yeah, well the weirdest thing you can think of in recent history… “

We’re both laughing.

Me: “Never mind, this will do”

Sometime in 2022 at a dry-ish birthday party: Bull Semen

*Jay walks up to *Hildi, and asks, “Hey, Do you mind if I store my semen in your freezer this year?” H thinks nothing of it: “Of course!” Side-eyes and giggles from non-farmer friends. We all know he’s talking about bull semen to store for AI breeding later in the season because she has a special freezer for exactly that purpose.


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